Tuesday 29 November 2011

Day 2

01:05 PM at this moment and so far I haven't broken down and eaten.

The first day and this morning I used Brown Sugar instead of the Syrup, because I first didn't have the right kind of syrup--too processed, traditional syrup. Today I went out and bought myself Molasses, which is much healthier than Maple Syrup, though much more expensive.

Last night I also used my last bit of Cayenne Pepper so I had to go to two stores to find it and (finally!) I found it.

I was very tempted to eat today since I was in two different grocery stores. Yikes! At least I pushed my way through it and got out of there before grabbing the nearest piece of food I could get, having not eaten in almost two day (which is a record for me, seriously).

I'm also just planning on doing three days of this Cleanse and then five days next week starting Monday. This is only because Thursday night I'm visiting my mother for a Chic Flick night. Friday I'm going out with friends. Saturday is dinner with my whole family. Sunday I want to prepare myself mentally again for the next day's Cleanse.

But yeah, I am excited and actually proud of myself for not yet giving in, though I hear the third day could be even more challenging, but I'll just have to push through it and then, on Chic Flick night I'll reward myself by a soup, a single slice of whole wheat bread and some veggies. Friday I'll try and only consume fruits and vegetables. Saturday-well, let's hope I'm not tempted by the fresh baked bread, biscuits and my vegetarian burgers and so on (my mother always makes a plate with some vegetarian products for since I'm vegetarian).

Anyway, I may update tonight on my progress for the rest of the day and the night.

Monday 28 November 2011

Day 1

I've gone through the day without food, but made some mistakes with drinking things I shouldn't have. I consumed a Super M Chocolate Milkshake and a huge mug of coffee.

I can't believe I did that!

But in all fairness I never got through a day without eating so this is actually a moment to be very proud of:)

Just one adjustment to this Cleanse -- I will drink milk with this cleanse because I'm still growing (16 in less than four months) and it is needed if I'm going to get through this without stunting my growth (I think, but just to be on the safe side...)

Thanks to the Master Cleanse drink (foreknown  as the Master drink) hunger wasn't a huge problem. Today I was only hungry for about an hour and then it dissipated for the rest of the day. Seriously, great freaking drink! It's tasty, semi-sweet with a spicy twist (thanks to the Cayenne pepper).

But it's still not nighttime and I still have to stay strong throughout the night -- my weak time since I get so hyper at night that I get bored too easily and can't help but eat out of boredom. I guess I just have to let my crazy energy out on, well, being crazy. Instead of eating. It could be easy I believe, I'll just consume more of the Master drink.

Questions? Own experience with the Cleanse?

Have a colorful, energetic day! (...and an even more energetic night for me!)